Friday, March 30, 2018

Assignment 24: Relevant Group Presentation Reflection

For this assignment, I reflected on my relevant presentation which can be found here.
I used this video from WellCast to help me with my presentation.

The video from WellCast helped by providing some last minute notes for successful public speaking. It felt very much like a crash course in public speaking, and it was memorable enough that I was able to incorporate some of its information into my presentation. Reflecting on my presentation, I made sure to maintain my posture by standing tall and straight, and engaged the audience with eye contact and hand gestures. Additionally, I included a short story (not an anecdote, but rather a little history lesson) in my presentation, explaining the origins of suburban sprawl and mixed use planning. Finally, I had plenty of water at hand and made sure that I was articulating my research presentation in a clear and concise manner, so as to engage with and appeal to my audience. Ultimately, I think I had a relatively successful and engaging presentation thanks to the application of the tips present in the video.

Yasamin 3/30