This week I finally secured my mentorship in city planning. On Wednesday I met with my mentor and he gave me a tour of the office. It was surreal, and I felt like April Ludgate from Parks and Rec. Is this the life of a civil servant? Am I finally living out the bureaucratic American Dream?
Jokes aside, this mentorship is probably the greatest opportunity I can have while I am still in high school. I'll be able to have a general idea of the job field I'll probably be in for the rest of my life (wow!). It's kind of heavy to think about, but without this opportunity I would likely be a lost puppy when I graduate from college. Now, however, I'll know exactly what I am getting myself into when I enter the "real world". That's so strange to think about, how it's less than five years away.
Even if this mentorship makes me realize that I am not cut out to be in the field of Urban Planning, I'll still be able to earn some key experience in an "adult" job. I'll figure out how to talk to people that may not be my peers or teachers, as well as how to communicate in other forms (phone calls, emails, etc.). I think just being around all these people who have it all figured out, and asking them about what they had to do to get where they are now will be this best thing to do to prepare me for my own future.
Since I'm only allowed to shadow my mentor, I think the best way to absorb all of the knowledge I can is to keep a journal and take notes. Now that I am working with the municipal government, I have the incentive to attend Town Halls and City Council Meetings (even the ones that are not open to the public!). I am working as many days as I can during the week (Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday), and averaging about 5.5 hours a week. I think being there more than my required four hours will be what makes me the most successful.
As for the First Impressions Podcast and the Knowing Your Mentor Handout, I think I hit most of the key points that they were talking about. Obviously, I was only there for half an hour at the end of the day. I did underestimate my commute and arrive a tad late, but I communicated that to my mentor the best I could when I realized and committed myself to punctuality for the rest of the year. Also, I feel like I was dressed very appropriately for the office, but I do think I will need to acquire some more clothing since I only have four or five appropriate outfits for this season. Finally, I shook everyone's hand, firmly, which I think is the most important aspect of first impressions.
Lastly, I understand that this post, my first of many, is a day late (oops!). I want to address that here. I really don't have an excuse as to why it is late, but this year I've adopted the motto "Extreme ownership". So that's what I'm doing here, owning up to it. This probably isn't going to be the only late post. I know myself, and I know that I am trying to balance way too much my senior year. But I also know that getting these posts out on is important, not just because they are part of my grade, but also because they force me to be disciplined and not push everything to the last minute until I am hit with an avalanche of responsibility.
Yasamin, 8/27